Vergangene Würfe
R2-Wurf vom 6.04.2024
Fuchsia ab anima silvae X Beartooth Mountain Eragon
Runa | Mädchen | black silver torbie mc white |
Rubio | Junge | red silver classic tabby white |
Robin | Junge | red classic tabby |
Q2-Wurf vom 4.3.2024
Modesto's Kalea Mabou X Beratooth Mountain Eragon
Quirina | Mädchen | black silver classic tabby white |
Quidni | Mädchen | black silver classic tabby white |
Quill | Junge | black silver classic tabby |
Quendolin | Mädchen | black silver classic tabby white |
Quino | Junge | black silver mackerel tabby |
Quarto | Junge | black mackerel tabby |
Quentin | Junge | black classic tabby white |
Quitte | Mädchen | black mackerel tabby |
O2-Wurf vom 24.11.2024
Fuchsia ab anima silvae X Beartooth Mountain Eragon
Orell | Bub | red silver mackerel tabby white |
L2-Wurf vom 30.01.2023
Fuchsia ab anima silvae X Beartooth Mountain Eragon
Lanzelot | Bub | red silver classic tabby white |
Löwenherz | Bub | red spotted tabby white |
J2-Wurf vom 15.02.2022
Wolke ab anima silvae X Eragon of Beartooth Mountain
Jar Jar Binks | Bub | red shaded white | |
Jango Fett | Bub | red tabby white | |
Jabba the Hutt | Bub | red tabby white | |
Jocasta Nu | Mädel | black silver torbie white | |
Mädel | black silver torbie white |
I2-Wurf vom 07.02.2022
Brennnesselfell ab anima silvae X Eragon of Beartooth Mountain
H2-Wurf vom 05.01.2022
Aletheia ab anima silvae X Beartooth Mountain Eragon
G2-Wurf vom 17.12.2021
Xsara ab anima silvae X Beartooth Mountain Eragon
Galadriel | Mädel | black silver tabby white |
F2-Wurf vom 10.03.2021
Blütenschnee ab anima silvae und Rohan ab anima silvae
Fili | Bub | red tabby white |
Frodo | Bub | black silver tabby white |
Faramir | Bub | red smoke white |
Freda | Mädel | black tortie smoke white |
Fuchsia | Mädel | red smoke white |
E2-Wurf vom 24.01.2021
Midnightfire Tardis und Rohan ab anima silvae
Elmo | Bub | blue tabby white |
D2-Wurf vom 8. November 2020
Xsara ab anima silvae und Rohan ab anima silvae
Desina, blue torbie white
C2-Wurf vom 27. Oktober 2020
Wolke ab anima silvae und Michelangelo of Beauty Wizard
Calliste, blue torbie white
Cassiopeia, blue torbie white
Calix, red white
Carmo, red white
Cassius, creme white
Castor, creme white
Cello, red silver tabby white
Ceus, red silver tabby white
B2-Wurf vom 27. Januar 2020
Gr. Int. Bluetowncats Io Rubricappula X Ch. Michelangelo of Beauty Wizard
Bernsteinpelz, red white
Birkenpfote, red smoke) white
Blütenschnee, black tortie smoke white
Brennnesselfell, black silver torbie white
A2-Wurf vom 12. Januar 2020
Ch. Valesca Eowyn ab anima silvae X Ch. Michelangelo of Beauty Wizard
Aletheia, black white
Andúril, black white
Ares, red tabby white
Z-Wurf vom 4. Januar 2020
Euro. Ch. Rohan ab anima silvae X Int. Ch. Midnightfire Tardis
Ziri, blue tortie white
Zula, black torbie white
Y-Wurf vom 30. September 2019
Ch. Michelangelo of Beauty Wizard X Ch. Bluetowncats Halia
Yavanna, black white ~ Yps, red smoke white
Yoda, red smoke tabby white ~Yorick, red white
X-Wurf vom 25. August 2019
Una Pupella ab anima silvae X Ch. Michelangelo of Beauty Wizard
Xylia, blue tortie white ~ Xeno, red silver tabby white ~ Xanthos, red white ~ Xaver, red white ~ Xanthe, black silver torbie white ~ Xsara, black smoke white
W-Wurf vom 22.Juni 2019
Gr. Int. Ch. Rohan ab anima silvae X Gr.Int.Ch. Bluetowncats Io Rubricapula
Winja, red white ~ Wum, red classic tabby white
Wombat, red spotted tabby white ~ Wendelin, red spotted tabby white
Waida, red classic tabby white ~ Wolke, red classic tabby white
V-Wurf vom 14.November 2018
Gr. Int. Ch. Rohan ab anima silvae X Int. Ch. Midnightfire Tardis
Vayu, blue white ~ Varosch, black classic tabby white
Viola, blue torbie white ~ Velia, black torbie white
Valesca, black torbie white ~ Via Latea, black torbie whtie
Veni Vidi Vici, black torbie white
U-Wurf vom 2.August 2018
Int Ch. Bluetowncats Io Rubricapula X Euro Ch. Oceanus-L. ab anima silvae
Una Pupella, black classic torbie white
Unio Fox, red classic tabby white
T-Wurf vom 16.Mai 2018
Euro Ch. Harmonia ab anima silvae X Euro Ch. Oceanus-L. ab anima silvae
Thea Nigra, black tabby classic white
S-Wurf vom 17.Januar 2018
Halia ab anima silvae X Euro Ch. Oceanus-L. ab anima silvae
Salvia Azuris, blue/white ~ Sicarius Rubens, red solid
Sirion Venetus, blue classic tabby ~ Samweis Gamdschie, creme/ white
R-Wurf vom 17.November 2016
Gr. Int.Ch. Harmonia ab anima silvae X Euro Ch. Oceanus-L. ab anima silvae
Rhoikos, red smoke white ~ Romulus, black silver mc
Ruphus, red classic tabby ~ Remus, black silver classic tabby
Rohan, red silver mc white
Q-Wurf vom 28.Februar 2015
Gr. Int.Ch. Harmonia ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Quo Vadis, red silver classic tabby ~ Quintus, creme silver mc tabby
P-Wurf vom 8.Dezember 2014
Ch. Echo ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Passiflora, black silver mc torbie ~ Pollux, red classic tabby
Poseidon, blue classic tabby ~ Pan, black mc tabby
Prometheus, black silver mc tabby ~ Perseus, red classic tabby
O-Wurf vom 19.August 2014
Gr.Int.Ch. Deipara ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Oceanuns-Lividus, blue classic tabby wh. ~ Oberon-Alberich, black silver classic tabby
Opella-Maris, blue silver classic tabby wh. ~ Ostara-Freya, black silver classic tabby wh.
N-Wurf vom 4.März 2014
Int.Ch. Harmonia ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Nestor, red cl tabby white ~ Nemesis, black cl torbie white
Nexus, red mc tabby ~ Niobe, black silver mc torbie
Nimbus, creme silver mc white ~ Numina, black silver mc
Nautilus, blue mc tabby ~ Nemea, black silver mc
M-Wurf vom 4.Januar 2014
Ch. Damaris ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Medea, black silver mc wh. ~ Midas, red mc tabby
Melodia, black silver cl, torbie ~ Maia, black silver mc wh.
Magnus, black silver classic
L-Wurf vom 24.Juli 2013
Evangelina ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Linos, black silver classic ~ Livior, blue silver classic
Lumen, black silver classic
K-Wurf vom 3.Juli 2013
Gr.Int.Ch. Deipara ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
K.Nebular, blue siver cl. wh. ~ K.Volcanus, black tabby cl,
K.Aquarius-Blue, blue classic ~ K.Ventus, black silver cl white
K.Arcus, black tabby white
J-Wurf vom 25.Januar 2013
Ch. Damaris ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
J.Rubus henryi, red silver cl. wh. ~ J.Clematis flammula, black torbie mc wh.
J.Salix alba, black silver classic ~ J.Lunaria annua, black silver classic torbie wh.
I-Wurf vom 1.Dezember 2012
Europa Ch. Beata ab anima silvae X Lowstonecreek Growl Tigger
Illuminata, blue silver torbie wh. ~ Iuno, blue silver mc torbie
Iason, creme silver mc wh. ~ Ikarios, red classic tabby
Inibi, blue silver mc torbie wh.
H-Wurf vom 11.Juni 2012
Europa Ch. Beata ab anima silvae X Gr. Int. Ch. Timnervallys Jack Wolfskin
Harmonia, black silver mc torbie wh. ~ Helios, creme silver classic
Hannibal, red silver mc wh. ~ Hemithea, blue classic torbie
Hektae, blue torbie mc
G-Wurf vom 15. November 2011
Devotion hatte mit Leo ein Baby, leider durften wir es nicht wachsen sehn!
Gaia - Himmel
F-Wurf vom 14. November 2011
Ch Damaris ab anima silvae X Ch Fuchur of the Crescent Moon
Felicita, black silver torbie ~ Ferox, black silver mc
Fabula, red silver mc tabby ~ Fiat Lux, red silver mc tabby
Faun, black smoke ~ Filius, red solid
E-Wurf vom 7. November 2011
Gr.Int.Ch. Deipara ab anima silvae X Ch Fuchur of the Crescent Moon
Echo, black silver mc torbie ~ Evangelina, black tortie white
Electra, blue torbie ~ Eleasar, black silver classic
D-Wurf vom 20. Aug. 2010
Eu.Ch. Purgatory´s Emily X Gr.Eu.Ch. Cyanure de Cloepierre
Draco, black smoke wh. ~ Deipara, black smoke white
Dexter-Dali, red silver cl, ~ Damaris, black tortie smoke white
Dux, red smoke white
C-Wurf vom 24.Juli 2009
Eu.Ch. Purgatory´s Emily X Ch. Fuchur of the Crescent Moon
Cara Calypso, bl. silver mc torbie wh. ~ Cosmos, red shaded
Caligula, bl. silver mc wh. ~ Chronos, bl. silver mc wh.
Candor, black classic tb wh. ~ Cupido, red silver mc tb
B-Wurf vom 23.Nov. 2008
Eu.Ch. Purgatory´s Emily X Ch. Fuchur of the Crescent Moon
Bella Nox, bl. mc torbie white ~ Bellona, red solid
Bona Dea, bl.silver mc torbie white ~ Bobax, red smoke
Bruma, red shaded ~ Beata, red silver mc white
A-Wurf vom 9.Feb. 2008
Eu.Ch. Purgatory´s Emily X Ch. Fuchur of the Crescent Moon
Apollon, bl.silver mc white ~ Atlas, red shaded
Artemis, red mc white ~ Aurora, bl.silver mc torbie white